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At Conexe, we believe that few things in life are quite as important as looking after your health, but many of us can't think of anything worse than a trip to the doctor's surgery or the hospital A&E room, spending as much time avoiding it as we can. Medical care needs to go beyond expectations to create unique and personal experiences for the patient. But gone are the days where public hospitals were your only option, and nowadays, whether you're heading for a necessary operation or elective surgery, pediatrics, senior care, sports medicine, or anti-aging or a regular checkup — if there's a specialization you're seeking, we have you covered.

Regular health checkups are essential as there are many diseases, including cancers and diabetes, which can be detected at the early stages of formation through routine screening and health checkups and prevented from developing into terminal cases.

We have a lot of international patients who come through our doors. To ensure seamless communication with patients and their families, we work with a team of in-house translators and interpreters and support you in applying for a medical visa and providing you with all the necessary documents and invitations you need from clinics and hospitals.

Medical Services

Money can buy you many things, but health is the one thing you can't put a price on – and many of us would go out of our way to ensure that our loved ones and we have the very best in primary medical care. As per Merritt Hawkins' Survey of Physician Appointment Wait Times and Medicare and Medicaid Acceptance Rates, the average wait time for a new patient is 24 days. This time frame is too long for some individuals and merely unacceptable to others and Our doctors often have limited patients, so their time can be reserved for on-call services, an option that can be a given for affluent individuals and their loved ones.

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